Through Wyoming to Idaho


As always, Wyoming is breathtaking. Grand Teton National Park proved it once again. The park brought back unique memories from our past visit to Yellowstone and Cody last year.

On the other hand, all the impressions of a boat trip, picturesque hike, and Mormon ranches were swept away by a new friendship we build on the border of Wyoming and Idaho.

My Instagram feed accidentally arranged some images of a remodeled camper. I clicked on it and the pictures were taken by a Lithuanian girl living in Idaho. What a coincidence I thought, and wrote her immediately to check in! And here we are, a couple of days later parked on their land and sitting by a campfire. A humble friendship had begun.

After sharing our stories over the fire, I have realized how inspired I am by them. Stories are related to the locations where they happen and right now we are far away from our home. That is why their story sounded completely fresh and inspiring to me.

Silvija met her beloved one on her third trip to USA through the Work & Travel summer program, where she was selling educational books from door to door, competing for attention with other "Book of Mormon" salesmen. I was just soaking in her ridiculous stories and experiences of working and living in the middle of "nowhere".

In addition, they invited us to their hangar and showed us the small planes that Jonas (he is not Lithuanian, but the name absolutely is, right?) is working on and shared a wonderful meal and played board games together! Jonas is a pilot, who is flying all over the places with small planes and landing in grass fields, a paraglider and, I believe, a master of anything that flies.

This meeting brought a gust of fresh wind into our lives! Life scenarios that do not fall into any cliche, stories that take my breath away and just a good time which we missed so much was here for us in a place where we least expected it.

Jonas and Silvija, you will always be a part of this huge adventure of ours. Thank you for your hospitality and stories, which I will long live on!